Eligibility for Membership
Ordinary Membership shall be open to:
Substantive Principals and Administrators of government Education Support Schools, Centres and Endorsed programs;
Relieving or Acting Principals or Administrators of government Education Support Schools, Centres or Endorsed programs for the period of their position;
Substantive Education Support Principals and Administrators on temporary secondment to other duties; and
Other school leaders and administrators in equivalent positions subject to the approval of Executive Committee by a 75% Majority Vote, including Non government schools.
Active Life Membership shall be open to:
An ordinary member by resolution of the Association who has rendered long and valuable service to the Association and / or on behalf of the Association may be considered for election to Life Membership of the Association;
Nominations for Life Membership shall be submitted to the Executive for approval 28 days prior to the AGM. The nomination must be:
(i) In writing; and
(ii) Delivered to the Secretary on or before the date for the close of nominations -
The Executive Committee may from time to time determine Life Membership on any member providing conditions in By-Law 26.3(a) are met
Retired Life Membership shall be open to:
A Life Member upon retirement from his or her position
Associate Membership shall be open to:
Level 3 Classroom Teachers in government Education Support Schools, Centres and Facilities;
Teaching staff working in Western Australian Government Education Support contexts who are seeking to obtain the necessary skills and experience to become a Principal or Administrator in the Education Support context;
Former Association members who have resigned or retired from employment with the Department of Education W.A.;
Principals and Administrators (or their equivalents) in non-government schools;
Members of other national or international Education Support Associations;
Former Association members who currently hold substantive administrative positions other than that of an Education Support Principal or Deputy Principal;
Principals and Deputy Principals of government Primary or Secondary schools whose professional interests include Education Support
(i) Subject to the approval of Executive Committee by a 75% Majority Vote
If you would like to join our Association, please apply for your Membership today.